
Winning the “First Moment of Truth”

GameChanger Weekend Lab™ Shelf Test
Decoding the First Moment of Truth

The First Moment of Truth is the instant when shoppers first encounter your product on a store shelf – where 70% of all purchase decisions are made.  Will they notice it?  Will it appeal to them?  Will they spend their hard-earned money on it?

The key to winning the First Moment of Truth is to stand out.  In most categories you have no more than 4-7 seconds to make an impact.

Traditional consumer research is unable to effectively evaluate The First Moment of Truth – because research environments over-sensitize consumers.

The GameChanger Weekend Lab Shelf Test is the first research tool able to fully assess this important moment.  Our Weekend Lab is conducted in real stores with real shoppers making real purchases.

Your new product or package is placed on shelf as it would be in the real world.  Through store incentives we are able to stimulate 200-300 category purchases in a single weekend, providing ample opportunity to evaluate consumer purchasing behavior.

Our Weekend Lab provides quantitative market share, dollar and unit sales.  It also provides diagnostics to help you evaluate shopping behavior, purchaser demographics, time at shelf and shopper attitudes about your product in a real purchase environment – so you can make critical adjustments to optimize your offering.

Our Weekend Lab tests start at just $35K – and can save you millions by ensuring all your new launches succeed.

This test is perfect for line extensions, new packages, and product improvements. We can also add a post-use leg to evaluate product satisfaction at home after purchase.

We have test stores set up in multiple channels – grocery, drug, home center, natural foods – across the U.S. and in Europe.

For more information, contact Chris Yamamoto
510-521-7985.  [email protected]

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