GameChanger announced today that it is formally expanding its Retail Lab LTE service from Beta test. The new service allows companies to conduct real-world store testing of new products for as little as $35K, and as quickly as four weeks.
“The new product success model is all about speed, cost and accuracy,” said GameChanger CEO Larry Popelka. “The Retail Lab LTE moves us further on the cutting edge of new product testing – as it provides a more real world test than survey research at a fraction of what it used to cost.”
Retail Lab LTE Tests are quantitative tests that involve real product sales in real stores, so they more accurately reflect real-world behavior. Shoppers do not know they are part of a research study. The output of the tests include quantitative sales data, volume estimates and shopper research to evaluate motivations for purchase. The tests also offer a post-use research option to evaluate consumer usage and attitudes after the product has been used at home.
“Real world transactional testing is the wave of the future,” said Popelka. “Most large companies are experimenting with some version of this to make new product decisions.” For marketers without a sellable test product, GameChanger also offers a Minimum Viable Product sourcing option to transform concepts into sellable prototype products.
GameChanger’s Retail Lab has been featured in Ad Age Magazine, Fast Company and Bloomberg Businessweek.
For more information on GameChanger’s testing services contact Michael Barde at
[email protected] or 510-521-7985.